
Petra Berndt in the TV series HINDAFING

television premiere
TV station Bayerischen Rundfunk
on Tuesday the 16th of May 2017,
Tuesday the 23th of May 2017
Tuesday the 30th of May 2017
at 8:15 pm

Director Boris Kunz



Franziska Walser in the TV movie Treibjagd im Dorf

First broadcast
Monday 15. May 2017
at 08:15 pm in the TV station ZDF

Director Peter Keglevic



Deutscher Filmpreis for the movie Auf Augenhöhe with Anica Dobra

Category “Best Children’s Film”
Deutscher Filmpreis 2017

Director Evi Goldbrunner und Joachim Dollhopf


Lilly Forgách in the TV movie About a Girl

cinema release in 2015

television premiere
on Wednesday the 10th May 2017
at 8:15 pm on the TV station ARD

Director Mark Monheim



Lilly Forgách in the movie Eine unerhörte Frau

cinema premiere 2016

television premiere
on Friday the 11th of April 2017
at 8:15 pm on TV station Arte

Director Hans Steinbichler



Beate Maes in a episode of the TV series SOKO München - Perle im Staub

television premiere
on Monday the 27th of March 2017
at 6:00 pm on TV station ZDF

Director Till Müller-Edenborn

Beate Maes Teaserbild OK


Ferenc Graefe in a episode of the TV series SOKO Stuttgart 

television premiere
Thursday the 23th March 2017
at 6:00 pm on TV station ZDF

Director Rainer Matsutani

Teaser Ferenc Graefe_OK


Karin Thaler in the TV series Hubert & Staller

new episodes from 22. March 2017
on Wednesdays at 6:50 pm, ARD TV station

Director Sebastian Sorger


Anica Dobra in an episode of the TV series SOKO Stuttgart - Die Akte Jo

First broadcast 16. March 2017 at 6 pm
TV station ZDF

Director Rainer Matsutani
