Leo Reisinger

Agent - Beate Mittermayer Phone: +49 -89 -1271 7377 Email

1978 in Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Berlin | Seattle, Washington | Sydney
180 cm
2021 Ivana Chubbuck Masterclass
2019 Workshop bei Ivana Chubbuck
2019 Coaching with Frank Betzelt
2019 Beyond Entertainment - Screenwriting Workshop
Tatjana Samopjan & Sarah O’Connor
2013 Kraft der Verkörperung Workshop Johannes Fabrick
2011 Method Acting Class with Robert Castle
2010 Camera Workshop with Jan Messutat
2001-2004 Neue Münchner Schauspielschule - Ali Wunsch König
2014 OSCAR | Student | of the Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Science for the Shortfilm Border Patrol (leading part)
English fluent
Bavarian native
Piano professionell | Guitar | Drums
Modern Dance | Ballroom Dance | Schuhplatteln
Volleyball | Football | Skiing | Snowboard | Triathlon

Film Selection

Die Bergretter - Marterl | ZDF TV Movie | Director Tanja Roitzheim
Blind Ermittelt - Der Tote im Tiergarten | ARD & ORF TV Series | Director Sibylle Tafel
Erzgebirgskrimi - Wintermord | ZDF TV Movie | Director Tim Trageser
Servus, Euer Ehren - Justizpalast | ARD TV Movie | Director Katharina Woll
Operation Weihnachten | ORF ARD TV Movie | Director Mirjam Unger
Der Bergdoktor - Zerreißprobe | ZDF TV Movie | Director Nikolai Müllerschön
Soko Donau Wien - Schlussakkord | ORF1 and ZDF TV Series | Director Eva Spreitzhofer
Gute Freunde | RTL TV Miniseries | Director David Dietl
Goldjunge | HFF Munich University | Director Alex Negret
Die Chefin - Der Schöffe | ZDF TV Series | Director Florian Kern
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Das Findelkind | Lead | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Die Leihmutter | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme | Lead | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Das Traumschiff - Namibia | ZDF TV Movie | Director Helmut Metzger
Schon tausendmal berührt | Lead | ARD TV Movie | Director Judith Westermann
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Teen Mom | Lead | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Das namenlose Kind | Lead | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Sündenbock | ARD Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Eine runde Sache | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Bavarese | Teaser | Director Christian Limmer, Christian Rein
Tonio und Julia - Dem Himmel so nah | ZDF TV Movie | Director Irina Popow
Tonio und Julia | Episode 7 - 8 | ZDF TV Movie | Director Bettina Woernle
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Daddy Blues | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Toni, männlich, Hebamme - Allein unter Frauen | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Tonio und Julia | Episode 5 - 6 | ZDF Movie | Director Bettina Woernle
Tonio und Julia | Episode 3 - 4 | ZDF Movie | Director Stefan Bühling
SOKO München - Feuerland | ZDF TV Series | Director Bodo Schwarz
Tonio und Julia | Episode 1 - 2 | ZDF TV Movie | Kathrin 'Katinka' Feistl
München Mord - Willkommen in Wahnmoching | ZDF TV Movie | Director Sascha Bigler
Der Polizist, der Mord und das Kind | ZDF TV Movie | Director Johannes Fabrick
Nie mehr wie es war | ZDF TV Movie | Director Johannes Fabrick
Nie mehr wie es war | ZDF TV Movie | Director Johannes Fabrick
SOKO 5113 | ZDF TV Series | Director Marcel Gardelli
TATORT - Die letzte Wiesn | BR ARD TV Movie | Director Marvin Kren
Die Sache mit der Wahrheit | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Von Kerlen und Kühen | Leading Role | ARD TV Movie | Director Sibylle Tafel
Border Patrol | Leading Role | Feature Film GB | Director Peter Baumann
2014 Winner OSCAR | Student | of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Science Los Angeles for Best Foreign Film
2014 Winner of British Television Award London 2013 Winner of Outstanding
International Student Film Award | Beijing Film Festival Academy in China

Paradies 505. Ein Niederbayernkrimi | BR TV Movie | Director Max Färberböck
Unter Verdacht - Das Blut der Erde | ZDF TV Movie | Director Andreas Herzog
München 7 - Die Suche nach dem Nichts | ARD BR TV Series | Director Franz Xaver Bogner
SOKO 5113 - Tabula Rasa | ZDF TV Series | Director Andreas Herzog
Sau Nummer Vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi | BR TV Movie | Director Max Färberböck
Der Kaiser von Schexing | BR TV Series | Director Franz Xaver Bogner

Stage Selection

2021 - 2023
Die Wahrheiten | Metropol Theater | Role Erik | Director Jochen Schölch
2015 - 2019
Gämsendämmerung - Das Bavarical | Role Jennerwein or Pföderl | Theater Drehleier München
Der Wildschütz Jennerwein | Leading Role | Kultursommer Garmisch-Partenkirchen | Director Harald Helfrich
Männersache | Kulturtage der Stadt München | Director Leo Reisinger, Nikos Hippler
Der heimliche Gral - Ein Shakespeare von den Nibelungen | Sommertheater Dresden | Director Peter Förster
2005 - 2006
Something happened on the way to heaven | Director Christof Keune
LiebesAkte | Director Robert Löhr
A Midsummernight's Dream | Director Robert Löhr

Born in 1978 in the town of Munich, Leo Reisinger was raised outside of the city receiving piano lessons and going through vocational education to eventually become a carpenter. It was by “a happy chance” as Leo puts it that he came across acting and then decided to change paths to take yet more training, this time though to become an actor. So he finished his studies at the Neue Muenchner Schauspielschule Ali Wunsch Koenig and was offered his first role by iconic director Franz X. Bogner. The two turned out to be a natural team having the same idiom of a local southern-Bavarian accent that is spoken in the countryside around Munich. More work followed by way of collaboration with directors as well known as Max Faerberboeck, Sibylle Tafel, Johannes Fabrick, and Marvin Kren. In 2014, Leo played the lead in the Student Academy Award winning film “Border Patrol” helmed by Peter Baumann.  Since 2018, Leo Reisinger is the eponymous character of Toni in the ARD network primetime series “Toni, Maennlich, Hebamme”.  Apart from acting, Leo plays in and composes songs for his own rock band and on top of that is the head writer for two in-development TV series.  Not to forget are Leo’s English speaking skills that he got to perfect during a one-year stay in Australia.

Leo Reisinger in four new episodes of the series Tonio & Julia

First broadcast
7. March, 14. March, 21. March, 28. March 2019
each at 8:15 pm on TV station ZDF

Directors Stefan Bühling and Bettina Woernle


Leo Reisinger as the role Toni in the series Toni, männlich, Hebamme 

First broadcast
Friday 8. & 15. February 2019
at 8:15 pm on TV station ARD

Director Sibylle Tafel



Leo Reisinger

New photos!
January 2019
Photographer Thomas Lüders


Leo Reisinger in the newspapers TZ & Münchner Merkur

Weekend edition 28./29. July 2018

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-31 um 17.41.31

